Resources for High School Teachers and Counselors

High school students want personal financial education! Unfortunately, only about 17% of high school students are required to take one semester of personal financial education to graduate high school in the U.S. Thank you for taking the time to visit, please use any resource you find or is linked from this site. The goal is to bring awareness and improve accessibility to personal financial education to all high schoolers.

Next Gen Personal Finance offers FREE courses for high school teachers. FinCamps are a great way to expand your classroom curriculum to include some aspects of personal financial education. 

They also offer resources and curriculum for quarter long, semester long, and year long classes that are easy to use and focus on many different aspects of personal financial education. 

Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce offers resources for students to research and compare expected salary information. This site is referenced in a lot of the articles in 

Extra resources regarding college planning for students:

NextGen Personal Finance units on college planning

Why 50% Video for high schoolers (please show at FAFSA night)

This worksheet for comparing the cost of different Colleges